GSS Guided Statistics for Scientists

It can be intimidating to read across statistical text books, trying to find the correct statistical analysis for a study. And since statistics is such a large field, it is often difficult to understand when to use which analysis or test. We understand that scientists want to conduct appropriate statistics, but their focus is science and not statistics. Therefore, we developed GSS – Guided Statistics for Scientists, a statistical software and support system, which helps scientists to quickly find and conduct the correct analyses. Nevertheless, GSS is a powerful software with professional capabilities, offering many options when needed.

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GSS 2.0 released

GSS 2.0 now released

We are happy to announce the release of GSS 2.0! The new versions GSS (standard version), GSS-Pro and GSS-DR (for dose-response analyses) include a range of new functions and features. GSS and GSS-Pro have a new chart module for the creation of scientific graphs for publicatons, thesis or company reports....
Distribution fitting in GSS

Distribution fitting in the software GSS

In the last article we learned basics about data distributions and why it is important to know how your data is distributed to perform statistical tests. In this video tutorial we will show you how you can determine how your data is distributed in the statistics software GSS (Guided Statistics...
How is my data distributed?

Data distributions – How is my data distributed?

Why care about data distribution? Most statistical tests are based on assumptions regarding data distributions. Hence, when we do statistics, we always have to think about how our data is distributed. Normal data distributions A large part of statistics is based on the normal distribution, because it’s so easy to...
How to compare two groups?

How to compare two groups?

When doing statistics analyses, one of the most frequently asked questions will be “is there a difference between two groups?” The two-sample t-test The two-sample t-test is a powerful tool in statistics, that has been developed just for this purpose, i.e. to compare the means of two groups. Imagine you’re...
Statistical Guide for iOS

Statistical Guide for iOS

GSS is a statistical software, which includes not only powerful modules for statistical analyses, but also an intuitive guide, which helps to identify the correct statistical test for your type data and research question. This guide has now been adapted to iOS and is available in the AppStore: GSS for iOS. In the following video we explain, why the statistical guide included in GSS is really an important feature and how the iOS App looks like.
How does a statistical test work? - Part 2

How does a statistical test work? – Part 2

In the last article, we have illustrated the concept of statistical tests. If you only want to obtain a rough understanding of the concept behind statistical tests then reading our last article is absolutely sufficient. However, if you are interested in more detail, then the following will help you to understand how a p-value is calculated and what “degrees of freedom” means.
How does a statistical test work? - Part 1

How does a statistical test work? – Part 1

When you do your first statistical tests you may get the impression that doing statistics is complicated. In this article we want to show that the principle of statistical testing is actually relatively simple.
Original vs derived data

Derived vs original data?

When presenting the findings of a study people often don’t show the original data that were measured, but they create so called ‘derived data’. Derived data can be: Percentages, rates, rtios, indices, etc.. For example, considering a data set on smoking behaviour, percentages could be used to describe the proportion of smokers in a sample…
Understanding data types

Understanding data types

When you do statistical analyses, the knowledge about data type is very important, because many statistical methods and tests were specifically designed for a specific data type. However, there is a lot of confusion regarding data type, because many different terms are used…
New version GSS 1.2

New GSS version 1.2 released

The new version of GGS includes a number of new, exciting features that make analyses easier and efficient. Here is a summary of the main new features. New statistical guide The statistical guide, featuring a new flowchart to guide you through the test selection. If at any step you feel...