
GSS - Statistics Software

GSS – An intuitive statistics software solution to guide you through your data analysis, making sure, you find the correct statistical test for your data and research question. And that you know why!

No annual fee, buy it and keep it.*


* Except for the educational version GSS-Edu, which is an annual license.

Why use GSS?

It can be intimidating to read across statistical text books, trying to find the correct statistical analysis for a study. And since statistics is such a large field, it is often difficult to understand when to use which analysis or test. We understand that scientists want to conduct appropriate statistics, but their focus is science and not statistics. Therefore, we (WSC Scientific GmbH) developed GSS – Guided Statistics for Scientists – a statistical software and support system, which helps scientists to quickly find and conduct the correct analyses. Nevertheless, GSS is a powerful software with professional capabilities, offering many options when needed.

GSS - Statistics Software
Statistical Guide of the software GSS

Use our Statistical Guide to quickly find which test you can use

The built-in statistical guide leads you step by step to the correct statistical test. A decision tree guides you based on a few easy to understand questions.

Clearly explained options

To make statistics really accessible, GSS abundantly provides help. Either in the form of popup texts, explaining what a feature does or in the form of additional help, with more complete descriptions of features or methods. Examples complement the description of many test, making it easy to understand how to conduct tests.

Detailed explanations

Clearly explained test results

To make the result of a statistical test easy to understand for everyone, GSS does not just provide a table with p-values and other test statistics. Instead, GSS provides 1. A precise description is shown to make clear what a test actually tested and 2. A text is shown explaining what the outcome means.

Advanced features in the GSS-Pro version

For users needing to conduct large scale analyses over many variables, GSS-Pro offers repetitive testing. You can create summary tables, summarizing the findings of all tests (e.g. showing means and asterisks – for significant differences – or just showing p-values). You can also automatically transform your data without the need to do this manually. A couple of other pro-features complement GSS-Pro (see our Feature Matrix for more details).

Advanced dose-response modelling GSS-DR

Dose response analyses for experts GSS-DR is a dedicated software for dose-response modelling, which includes a very large number of dose-response and other functions. While also the standard version of GSS also includes an already comprehensive dose-response module, GSS-DR additionally provides confidence bands or model averaging (see our Feature Matrix for more details).

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